Solving the useRef Error While Using Top Loading Bar in React in Class Components
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Solving the useRef Error While Using Top Loading Bar in React in Class Components

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded useRef error while trying to implement a top loading bar in your React class component? Well, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll dive into the world of useRef and loading bars, and emerge victorious with a comprehensive guide on how to overcome this hurdle.

What is useRef?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the error, let’s take a step back and understand what useRef is. The useRef hook is a built-in React hook that allows you to create a reference to a DOM node or a value that persists across re-renders. It’s commonly used to store DOM nodes, timers, or any other values that need to be retained between renders.

import { useRef } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const myRef = useRef(null);

  return (

Hello, world!

); }

What is a Top Loading Bar?

A top loading bar, also known as a progress bar, is a graphical element that indicates the progress of a task or operation. It’s commonly used to show the user that something is happening in the background, such as data loading, processing, or authentication.

import React from 'react';

class TopLoadingBar extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
); } }

The Error: useRef with Top Loading Bar in Class Components

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the meat of the matter. When trying to use useRef with a top loading bar in a class component, you might encounter the following error:

Warning: Cannot update a component (`TopLoadingBar`) while rendering a different component (`App`). It looks like you're trying to update TopLoadingBar from inside a useRef callback function.

This error occurs because the useRef hook is trying to update the DOM node of the top loading bar while it’s still being rendered. Since class components don’t have access to hooks, we need to find an alternative solution.

Solution 1: Use createRef Instead

One way to overcome this error is to use the createRef method, which is a part of the React API. This method allows you to create a reference to a DOM node, similar to useRef.

import React from 'react';

class TopLoadingBar extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.loadingBarRef = React.createRef();

  render() {
    return (
); } }

By using createRef, we can create a reference to the DOM node of the top loading bar, and then use it to update the progress bar.

Solution 2: Use a State Variable

Another approach is to use a state variable to update the progress bar. This method involves creating a state variable to store the progress value, and then updating it using the setState method.

import React from 'react';

class TopLoadingBar extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      progress: 0,

  updateProgress = () => {
    this.setState({ progress: 50 });

  render() {
    return (
); } }

In this example, we create a state variable `progress` and initialize it to 0. We then update the progress value using the `updateProgress` method, which calls `setState` to update the state. Finally, we use the state variable to update the progress bar’s width.

Solution 3: Use a Library

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of implementing a top loading bar from scratch, you can always use a library. There are several libraries available that provide pre-built loading bars, such as react-top-loader or react-loading-bar.

Library Description
react-top-loader A lightweight, customizable top loader for React.
react-loading-bar A flexible, highly customizable loading bar for React.

These libraries provide an easy-to-use API for creating and customizing top loading bars, and they often come with built-in support for React class components.


In conclusion, encountering a useRef error while using a top loading bar in a React class component can be frustrating, but there are several solutions available. By using createRef, a state variable, or a library, you can overcome this error and create a beautiful, functional top loading bar that enhances the user experience of your application. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your needs, and happy coding!

Additional Resources:

By following the instructions outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome the useRef error and create a top-notch top loading bar for your React application. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “useRef error while using top loading bar in React in class component”:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with useRef error while using top loading bar in React in class component? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why am I getting a useRef error when trying to use top loading bar in my React class component?

This error usually occurs when you’re trying to access the DOM node before it’s rendered. Make sure you’re using `useRef` correctly by creating a ref in the constructor and then accessing it in `componentDidMount` or later lifecycle methods.

How do I create a ref for the top loading bar in my React class component?

Create a ref in your component’s constructor using `this.loadingBarRef = React.createRef();`. Then, assign it to the top loading bar element using `ref={this.loadingBarRef}`.

Why is my top loading bar not showing up even after creating a ref correctly?

Check if you’re conditionally rendering the top loading bar. If so, make sure the condition is true when you want to display the loading bar. Also, verify that you’re not overriding the `display` property of the loading bar element somewhere in your code.

Can I use `useRef` with a functional component instead of a class component?

Yes, you can use `useRef` with a functional component. In fact, it’s the recommended way to create refs in functional components. Simply import `useRef` from `react` and use it like this: `const loadingBarRef = useRef(null);`.

What’s the best way to handle loading state with top loading bar in React?

You can create a state variable `isLoading` and toggle it when the loading starts and ends. Then, conditionally render the top loading bar based on this state. This way, you can easily manage the loading state and display the top loading bar only when needed.

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