Sbatch Depending on the Completion of a Job Array: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming the “Job Dependency Problem” Error
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Sbatch Depending on the Completion of a Job Array: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming the “Job Dependency Problem” Error

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Ah, the infamous “Job dependency problem” error! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon this frustrating issue while trying to submit a job array using sbatch, only to have it depend on the completion of another job array. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of job dependencies and uncover the secrets to overcoming this pesky error.

What is a Job Array, Anyway?

Before we tackle the error, let’s quickly review what a job array is. A job array is a way to submit multiple jobs to a cluster simultaneously, using a single command. This is particularly useful when you need to run the same job with different input parameters or iterate over a large dataset. Job arrays are submitted using the sbatch command, which is part of the Slurm workload manager.

Why Do We Need Job Dependencies?

Now, imagine you have a job array that depends on the output of another job array. This is where job dependencies come in. Job dependencies allow you to specify that a job should only start once another job (or set of jobs) has completed. This ensures that your workflow runs in the correct order, without any hiccups or data corruption.

The “Job Dependency Problem” Error: What’s Going On?

So, what happens when you try to submit a job array that depends on the completion of another job array? You get the dreaded “Batch job submission failed: Job dependency problem” error! This error occurs when sbatch is unable to resolve the dependencies between the two job arrays.

Common Reasons for the Error

The “Job dependency problem” error can occur due to several reasons, including:

  • Invalid job IDs: Make sure you’re using the correct job IDs in your dependency specification.
  • Missing or incorrect dependency syntax: Double-check your sbatch command for any typos or incorrect syntax.
  • Dependency cycles: Avoid creating dependency cycles, where job A depends on job B, which in turn depends on job A.
  • Jobs not in the correct state: Ensure that the jobs you’re depending on are in the “completed” state.

Overcoming the “Job Dependency Problem” Error: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of resolving the “Job dependency problem” error. Follow these steps to overcome this error and successfully submit your job array:

Step 1: Check Your Job IDs

Verify that you’re using the correct job IDs in your dependency specification. You can do this by running the following command:

squeue -u $USER

This will display a list of your currently running jobs, along with their corresponding job IDs.

Step 2: Specify the Correct Dependency Syntax

Make sure you’re using the correct syntax for specifying job dependencies. The general format is:

sbatch --dependency=: 

Replace with one of the following options:

  • afterok: The job will be executed after the specified job has completed successfully.
  • afternotok: The job will be executed after the specified job has failed.
  • afterany: The job will be executed after the specified job has completed, regardless of the exit status.

For example, to submit a job that depends on the completion of job 12345, you would use:

sbatch --dependency=afterok:12345

Step 3: Avoid Dependency Cycles

Be cautious when creating job dependencies to avoid cycles. A dependency cycle occurs when job A depends on job B, which in turn depends on job A. This can cause sbatch to become stuck in an infinite loop, leading to the “Job dependency problem” error.

Step 4: Verify Job Status

Ensure that the jobs you’re depending on are in the “completed” state. You can check the status of your jobs using the following command:

sacct -j 

This will display detailed information about the job, including its current state.

Real-World Example: Submitting a Job Array with Dependencies

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where we need to submit a job array that depends on the completion of another job array. Suppose we have two job arrays:

Job Array Description
Array 1 Pre-processing of data
Array 2 Analysis of pre-processed data

We want to submit Array 2, but only after Array 1 has completed successfully. We can do this by using the following sbatch command:

sbatch --array=1-10 --dependency=afterok:12345

In this example, is the script that will be executed for each task in the array. The –dependency option specifies that the job should only start once job 12345 (Array 1) has completed successfully.


The “Job dependency problem” error can be frustrating, but it’s not insurmountable. By understanding the basics of job arrays, dependencies, and the common reasons for the error, you can overcome this obstacle and successfully submit your job array. Remember to double-check your job IDs, dependency syntax, and job status to ensure a smooth submission process.

Final Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with job dependencies:

  • Use the sbatch –test-only option to test your job submission without actually submitting the job.
  • Verify that your job script is executable and has the correct shebang line (#!/bin/bash).
  • Use the sacct command to monitor the status of your jobs and troubleshoot any issues.

With these tips and a solid understanding of job dependencies, you’ll be well on your way to submitting job arrays like a pro!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the “sbatch depending on the completion of a job array gives a error: Batch job submission failed: Job dependency problem” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the job dependency problem in sbatch?

The job dependency problem occurs when sbatch is unable to resolve the dependencies between jobs, leading to a failed job submission. This can happen when you’re trying to run a job that depends on the completion of a job array, but the system can’t figure out the correct order of operations.

Why does sbatch throw a “Batch job submission failed” error?

This error usually occurs when there’s an issue with the job submission itself, such as a problem with the job script, incorrect dependencies, or even a system-level issue. It’s like trying to build a house without a solid foundation – it’s gonna fall apart!

How do I fix the job dependency problem in sbatch?

To fix this issue, you’ll need to carefully review your job script and dependencies. Make sure you’ve correctly specified the dependencies using the `-d` option, and that the job array is complete before submitting the dependent job. You can also try breaking down the job into smaller, more manageable pieces to simplify the dependencies.

Can I use the sbatch `–dependency` option to fix the issue?

You’re on the right track! The `–dependency` option is exactly what you need to specify the dependencies between jobs. Use it to tell sbatch that your job depends on the completion of a specific job or job array. For example, `sbatch –dependency=afterok:` will submit the job only after the specified job has completed successfully.

What if I’m still having trouble with job dependencies in sbatch?

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! If you’re still struggling, try checking the sbatch documentation, searching online forums, or even reaching out to your system administrators for support. You can also try simplifying your job script, breaking it down into smaller steps, or using other job management tools like Array Jobs or Job Chains to make your life easier.

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